This is a simple website for the entertainment / unreal engine 5 development team.
We are a verry small team and currently have only one unreal engine 5 project under way and will update soon as we see fit.
We here are responsible for all the work done on the projects and ips under our label along side with contracted work
our Entertainment experience includes managing the entertainment ips of greatestgamer 00 for both youtube and twich. such work includes
Video Editing, trend research, youtube algorythm tag optimization, search engine cheking ,photo editing, hirin outside contracters for comissions and Art
commentary for live esports events, thubnail research and rnd, fan comunication, audio optimzation and recording, live interviews, pop culture news related to gaming,anime and geek pop culture
and several more enteirtainment job requirments to run smoothly
Again this is a place holder for now it is our first time making a website since everything is done in house so pleas bare with us and in the future we will update the site to be up more to our standards
For buissnes inquiries or questions please email
Any and all dev updates will be provided on the you tube channel link below.